Friday 17 January 2014

Coming Soon

Once upon a time, there lived a galaxy of wonder. There was The Sun, the king of the stars ; The crescent, the brave one who shone the brightest throughout the dark ; and The Star, the most attractive element on the galaxy.

As they all knew, the Sun and the Star was destined to be together. They were thought to fall in love with each other. But the star only shone the brightest, when the Sun is not around. The Star never was alone at night, because the Crescent was there. They've soon became very close.

The whole space fell in shock, when the Crescent confessed it's love towards the Star. Surprised, the Star hid itself and had disappeared into the darkness. The Sun was furious, as the Star was it's only love. Knowing that itself fell in love with the Crescent, the Star admitted in guilt. The Sun was devastated, not knowing what to do, while the Crescent became worried, knowing that their love is forbidden.

From that day onwards, the Star tried it's best to stay away from both the Sun and the Crescent. The star wanted time to think, to debate, whether to go according to faith, or to break the rules and follow it's heart. The debate within it's head never resulted. It took too long, the Star needed to shine in order to survive.

Monday 13 January 2014

Your Green Eyes

Pitch black, was all I could describe what I see. For a person who've seen the colourful world for 23 years, having only pitch black in your sight, was pretty scary.
I remembered the time, when I opened my eyes. Why isn't there any light? Did someone off the lights?
I sat up, touched my eyes, making sure nothing was blocking my sight. 
Hello? I called.
Anyone there? 
Then I could feel a familiar hand touched my right hand.
I'm here, I'm here. His hands intertwined with mine.
Can you on the lights? I pleaded. 
He didn't say anything, his tighten my hand in his as I felt a drop of water on my arm.
I remembered the moment, when they told me what exactly had happened. I threw everything I could touch. I cried myself to sleep every night. My world has entered darkness, as if the sun would never ever come out again. But that wasn't true, I could feel it, the heat, the sunlight landed on my exposed skin, every morning when he walked me to the garden.
It's hard to believe people around me. I couldn't even see. I don't know what exactly is going on around me. I couldn't do anything about it. Lifeless, was how I felt. But I know, he was there for me. He is the one I could trust, the one who would never ever harm me. Every day, he held my hand. Every night, he tucked my into my bed, still, with his hands interlocked with mine. Making sure that I wasn't scared, or alone.
I felt a sense of relief that he was actually there for me. He didn't care, even though I was blind, his love for me had only gotten stronger. He would always tell me that I was the most beautiful person in the world, he would tell me that I'm the best of him. His words were sweet and so convincing. But, I knew, I was trouble. Having him to give up on his current career just to take care of me, felt like I owe him a lot. Not to say owe, hmm, I feel like I was burdening him.
So one day, I decided, to leave. I was clumsy, as I wasn't use to walking alone. I tried my best, and ended up hiding in a grocery store a few miles away from our home. I felt my phone vibrate, I didn't dare to answer, not knowing if it's him who was calling. After a few times of vibrating, I took out the battery from my phone and threw it on the floor. Few minutes later, I could hear my name, it was him, his voice. I ran, as fast as I could, praying to god that he wouldn't catch me.
Thanks to my short legs, he managed to catch me within seconds. He held my arms so tight, that it hurt. What do you think you're doing?! He yelled. I kept quiet, as I felt the anger in his voice.
Why?! He roared again. I couldn't take it, I whispered, I don't want to burden you. My tears couldn't resist. I heard his deep sigh. After a short silence, I felt his lips on mine. I was about to give in, until I realized, this is wrong, I was supposed to disappear in his life. I pushed him away, but it didn't work. The only thing he did was, he pulled me even closer.
His kiss was so magical, so enchanting. It was better than anything. His thin lips laid on mine, it felt like summer, it felt so hot, yet so comfortable. I know realised, our love was unbreakable. He was like morphine, he was like oxygen. He was everything, I would ever want in my life. His kiss was demanding at first, but he became much softer, after I kissed him back. The kiss was perfect, except the fact that there wasn't any fireworks. Except for the face that I was blind, except the fact that we weren't kissing under the moonlight. I felt amazed, how it make my world spin. It was so flawless. Until, he collapsed and laid on me.
It was my turn this time, to hold his hands. I couldn't see him, but I could feel his cold hands as I wrapped them together with mine. He was so cold. He laid on the hospital bed, and I stayed beside him every day. I've learnt to become independent. I walked alone, down the street, to the market, and even back home. I was scared back then, but now, I wasn't. Because, he was the one who needs me now.
The doctor told me that he was infected by a disease, I forgot the name, and it was too long. All I knew was, it was quite serious, and he might need surgery. It was heart-breaking when I heard the news. Staying at the hospital wasn't fun, not at all. The smell of medicine and rubber gloves haunts me every time I step into this cold and heartless building.
Let me tell you some good news, I've learned how to cook, 'blindly'. Of course, I've learned his favourite dish first. I smiled when I realized that it tastes not bad. I carefully placed the food in a container, brought along a pair of chopsticks. And left the house. Oh, and this time, I remembered to lock the front door. How great is that?
It was the 25th day that he was admitted to the hospital. He's gotten much better, I can tell by his voice. I opened the container and put it on the canteen table, as he sat opposite to me. He tasted the food, and guess what? He liked it! He ruffled my hair, and said he was so proud that I've actually cooked. I smiled, knowing that he was happy for me.
After lunch, both of us sat on his hospital bed. I was back facing him, as his long arms wrapped along my waist from behind. He rested his chin on my left shoulder. I missed your green eyes, I told him. His green eyes, was the main reason I fell in love with him. His eyes were special, it wasn't the normal greens you've seen other people with, and it’s lighter, brighter green. He laughed, I love your brown eyes. He said. I then realized, I couldn't really remember how he looks like, I've been blind for almost 2 years now. I started to get nervous. What if? What if I can't remember how he looks like anymore? Depression hit me, as my tears were unable to control again.
He comforted me, and asked me to share my worry. And of course, I told him so. He held me in even tighter. He then asked, can you feel my heartbeat? Yes, yes I can, I replied. 
That's good enough, all you have to know is, my heart beats for you, every second, every hour, every day and forever. He whispered. His whispers never failed to make my heartbeat faster. He then kissed my right cheek, making me flush in pink. I love you, he said. Forever, he whispered as he tucked me in.
After two days, I've received another amazing news, there was this little girl, who met with an accident, and so her family had decided to donate her eyes for me. I was happy but sad at the same time. An innocent life was taken away by God. At least, she's back in God's embrace right now. The other thing is, he, he will be having his operation, on the same day as mine. The only thing is, the timing is different. My operation is two hours earlier.
The day has finally came, I didn't slept well the previous night. I didn't know how to thank her parents, I mean, it's really generous of them to donate her eyes. I got to the hospital early, just so I could have breakfast with him. He was acting a bit weird that day, probably he was worried, because of the operation. I pat his back, and gave him a small massage on his shoulders. He then surprised me, by pulling me into a hug. I giggled, as I joked about him being desperate. He didn't laugh, in fact, I could hear him sniff. What's wrong? I asked. I wanted to break the hug and touch his face, just to know that if he was really crying. But he didn't allow me to. Beryl, he called my name. I just want you to know, I love you okay? And no matter what happens, just be strong, just like the way you are. Promise me, that everything will be alright okay? Just, promise me, right now. He sound so demanding. I promise, I said. I didn't know why he got so emotional. I didn't understand, maybe he was worried that the operations might go wrong. Just then, one of the nurse came in and told me it was my time to change. I nodded as I took my handbag and walked towards the door. He then held onto my hand. I turned back. He then held my cheeks with both if his hands and kissed my head. I love you, he said. I gave him a small laugh, I love you too. I said.
Okay, now, slowly. One of the nurse guided me to the doctor's room. It's been three hours after my operation was done, the doctor said that it was very successful. I smiled, knowing that my world wouldn't be filled with darkness anymore. Knowing that I can once again, see his green eyes, and make my heart melt one more time. After we reached the toilet, the nurse started to take off the bandage covering me eyes. When she was about to do so, I stopped her and asked if he was done with his surgery. So that he could see this moment. So that we could share our joy. The nurse suddenly went silent, as if she was unable to answer my question. Emma? I called the nurse. Oh, urm he's not done with his operation yet, why don't we move on, and you can surprise him later? She suggested. Hmm, why not? I smiled and nodded.
A ray of light shone into my eyes as I slowly opened them, it hurts, honestly, as if it's been decades since I've opened my eyes. Everything was so perfect, the colours were a joy to see! No more darkness, I cried in joy, no more! Then I have this weird idea, to get back into my normal clothes and look at the mirror and see how I look at this current moment. I avoid looking at mirrors, so that I could somehow surprise myself. After changing into a floral printed dress he got me, I slowly walked towards the toilet, my heart raced, as I really want to see how I look at this moment. Did I gain weight? Did my skin got tanned? Joy filled me, when I realized his excited I was to actually see myself again. This was my moment. I closed my eyes as I entered the toilet and stood right in front of the mirror. I then counted.
I opened my eyes. I gasped. Nothing changed, my face, my eyes, and my skin. Except, my eyes, they were bright green. Horror stroke me as I ran outside the toilet, no, no it couldn't be! I bit my bottom lip as I rushed down the stairs. It only took me a blink, to reach his room. I opened it, my heart sank. No one was there. I walked inside the room. A red envelope on his bed, attracted me.
Beryl, was written on the envelope. I tore open it, and there was a small letter.
Hey, if you're able to read this, that means the operation had gone well. Please don't get mad at me for what I've done. I'm sorry for not being a perfect boyfriend. I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you till forever. The sickness I was diagnosed with, was.... I rather not telly you. I'm sorry for hiding it, the doctor promised me that he won't tell you. It first struck me when I thought I couldn't take care of you forever. Then I realised, all I can do was, to let you see again, to let you enjoy this colourful world. With you able to see again, you won't need me anymore. You'll go back to the strong Beryl. Remember that time when you were jealous of my eyes? When you said you wished you have my eyes? Well, your wish came true. My heart might have stopped beating for you, but at least, a part of me, will forever be with you. I apologize again for not being able to be by your side again. All I want you to know is, I love you, Beryl. You're the only one, who completes me.
Love, Hans.


"Could you just stop it?" the frustrated man fixed his shirt, as he groaned. 

His father was harshly dragged into the living room, who was now laying on the floor.

 "I- I wanna go back to the old house." 

The old man said between sobs. The young man sighed, and ran his hand through his short curls. 

"How many times have I told you dad?! I'm not leaving you there alone!" he yelled, unable to control his temper this time. 

The old man clutched onto a small Polaroid within his hands with his eyes closed. 

"Judy," He whispered as a tear shed. The young man then softened, as he kneel down, looking sympathetically towards his father. 

"Mom is gone dad, you know that. She's never coming back." He licked his dried lips, as he felt his heart ache when those words came out of his mouth. 

"NO! She never was! She's waiting for me, at our old house!" the old man protested, loud. 

"Dad," the young man didn't know what else to say. 

He too was heartbroken when his mother passed away, but he knew, no one could be more devastated at this moment compared to his father. 

"Shut up! Leave me alone!" The old man pushed his son away, got up, and locked himself in his room.


"Judy?" The old man reached out, it was her, it was Judy, right in front of his eyes. She looked so young, her hair tied into a neat ponytail, pink lips, and the smile of hers, that kept him awake for hours. 

Judy smiled, as she held onto her husband's hand. Music started to play in the background. Judy placed his husbands hand around her waist and started to dance along with the music. 

The old man twirled Judy around, gave her small lift, and embraced her in his arms. Judy giggled, she missed how they danced when they were young. 

They felt so free, so warm and so in love. 

The music slowed its pace, the old man's hands still wrapped around Judy, tight. 

While Judy rested her head on his broad shoulder as they magically moved along with the music. Both of them wish that this moment would last forever, who wouldn't? 

The warmth they've shared together never faded, their heartbeats never fail to go uneven, no matter how many times they've seen each other. 

Their love was unbreakable.

 "Your hair still smells the same." The old man complimented, loving the lingering scent coming from his wife's hair. 

"I love you too." Judy whispered. Judy knew exactly what the old man meant. The old man never got the courage to express how much he loved her, not even a simple 'I love you' came out of his mouth before. And yet, Judy knew that, when her husband compliments her hair, it's his way of saying I love you. 

God gave both of them an amazing gift, to be cherished forever, a gift called true love. 

What comes around goes around, everyone knows that forever after is a lie. 

A white lie I suppose, it brings hope, but it crushes you deep down inside when it exposes its true meaning. 

They've always wished for happily ever after, when the stars shine brightly in the sky. 

Stars, were meant to bring hope, to bring warmth and comfort. But no one accepted the fact that they were already dead. 

Our wishes, our hopes, were dead too. The old man's eyes shot open, regretted that he had woken up. It was all just a dream, a dream that was too far to reach, too good to be true.

 His hand was still tightly gripping onto the picture, the one and only picture they took together when they were in their twenties. Judy was wearing a pastel blue floral dress, while he was in a white tee and a blue pair of jeans. 

A tear escaped, when he thought about how sudden Judy had left him. Judy was his savior, his wife and most of all, his soulmate. He never thought that death was the one who was going to tear them apart, he never saw that coming.

 "I love you, Judy." he whispered, looking at the Polaroid, carefully caressing his wife in the picture. 


One day, he left his son's apartment, as he decided to go back to where he belonged. He brought along some money, clothes and their Polaroid.

 He hopped onto a bus and sat alone. The journey was 5 hours long, and yet, his eyes are wide opened. After getting off of the bus, he started to walk. 

He refused to take a taxi or asked anyone to help, he wanted to make it to the destination himself. Along the way, he met some cranky teenagers, pushing his around, with pocket knives, asking him for money, he gave them everything, all his money, his clothes. 

Expect for the Polaroid he held so tight with both of his arms. Unsatisfied by the small amount of money they've got from the old man, they started besting him up, kicking him, until he dropped onto the cold tar surface. 

They took the Polaroid from the old man, the old man struggled hard, trying to hold onto it, but failed. The teenagers laughed at his Polaroid, threw it onto the floor and started stomping on it. 

The old man cried. Afraid that the old man might get any attention, the young group ran away. The old man didn't care, he slowly got up and dusted the Polaroid, placing it on his chest, where his heart was.

Hurt, he started to limp towards his destination.

 A loud roar of thunder broke through the surface of the sky as droplets of rain dropped from the sky. But it didn't stop the old man. He slipped, endless times, because of the rain.

 In the end, he took of his shoes and continued his journey, barefoot. It took him two hours to reach his destination.

 He was exhausted, injured, but still he was happy. The slumped onto the floor after successfully opened up the front door of his old house and inhaled deeply. 

The smell that he mesmerized for so long. He could barely even open his eyes. 

He took the Polaroid out from his pocket, and said, "I'm back Judy." 

He then looked to his right. Judy was laying right beside him. Her features were all the same. 

"I'm glad your back." Judy whispered and held his hand.

 The old man smiled, and drifted into a deep slumber, to a world that he and Judy would reunite.

Sunday 12 January 2014


There he was, holding on to a bouquet of flowers, dressed in his best suit. He looked into his mirror and told himself, I'm going to do it today. Good luck. He gave himself a smile, a simple smile that can melts every girl's heart, a simple smile that can cure thousand of sickness.

There she was, sitting on the bench, where they've always meet. The sun was hanging high up on the sky today, birds flew around as light breeze blew into her long, brunette hair. She was wearing something that usually girls at her age wouldn't. T-shirts, jeans and her favourite converse. She didn't care what people though of her, she was just being her.

He choose to walk to the place. It gives him time to think, it gives him more space to stay calm. He still remembered the first time, his heart beat like wildfire when he first saw this girl, this special girl. So special, as if she was wearing a white gown, with a halo on her head. She was different, he knew. That's exactly what he liked about her, unique, yet simple.

She sat there, with her earphones on. Playing their favourite song. Beatles. Their favourite band. People at their age never really appreciated Beatles and their products. She smiled, as she hummed along with the chorus. She curled her long brunette bangs behind her right ear, to prevent it from blocking her sight.

There he was, about to reach right after a right turn down the street. His heart started to beat fast. He was more nervous, more nervous than he expected he would be. He held tight onto the bouquet of bright yellow tulips and took a deep breath. Calm down, he told himself. He didn't want his nervousness to fail this plan. A loud honk then caught his attention. He was too captivated in his thoughts before, but now, he stared at this old lady with horror. He threw the bouquet away and rushed towards the old lady.

She was humming along with their favourite song. She looked at her watch. 10am, straight. She bit her bottom lip with her heartbeat increasing. I love you, it isn't that hard to say. Just three simple, yet meaningful words. You can do it! She took a deep breath and tried her best to smile. Just then, their favourite verse of their song was interrupted by a cold and loud honk. She was surprised by the loud sound as she looked up, to the street.

He laid on the cold tar surface. Numbness filled his whole body as he tried his best to keep his eyes open. He looked around and stopped, when he saw, that beautiful girl, that had caught his eyes. He wanted to call out, he wanted to scream out loud, telling her how much she'd meant to him. But he couldn't, he somehow had lost his voice. He voice cannot be heard. He then found out that the bouquet was laying right on his right palm. All he wanted to do now, was to hold onto the bouquet. To show her, how amazingly important she is to him.

She stood up and gasped. She was so shocked, she couldn't make a move. She covered her mouth with both of her hands, mixed emotions filled her heart as her stomach twisted. She stood there and stare, for exactly 5 minutes. She didn't want to look, she didn't want to know. She didn't want to lose him. But love, had compiled her guts. She threw her iPod onto the ground as the neon coloured earpiece dropped onto the floor. She went down her knees right in front of this guy, that she'd loved so much. Tears blurred her vision as she called his name. She hit his chest, crying and calling for help.

He laid lifelessly, but smiled, when he saw her by his side. He gathered up all his energy and wiped her flowing tears with his right hand. He mouthed, I love you. A ton of weight has lifted away from his chest. He told her what he always wanted to say. No regrets, no regrets at all before he end his life.

She cried as she laid her head on his chest after he had said what he wanted. Blood had stained her white t-shirt, leaving her with millions of guilt, for not expressing what she wanted to for these pass few months.

The bouquet of bright yellow tulips and the iPod laid on the ground. One, had fallen petals and one had a crack on it's surface. Love, doesn't always have a happy ending, well do they?

There she was, hiding in her room. She had lost count on how many times she have cried. She still couldn't accept the fact, that he was gone. Polaroid pictures scattered on her bed and wooden tile floor, pictures of him, pictures of her, pictures of them. Her eyes was filled with thin linings of blood vessels. Picturing how long that she haven't slept as she sat on her bed, hugging her knees.

He was right there, sitting right beside her in the coffee shop. It was one of her most unlucky days, as she was late for work, because her car had broke down. She sighed, as she warmed herself up with a cup of hot chocolate, after getting drained in rain water, when she had to walk to her company. She gave up, after getting herself all wet under the rain. She called up her boss, and got herself a day off. He looked to his right, after feeling a light present of someone sitting beside him. He felt pity for her. Even her hair was still dripping water. He stood up, took off his coat and wrapped it around her. She looked up and smiled, she too thanked him. Amazed by her smile, he took his cup of cappuccino from his table and sat with her.

Her heart filled with pain, when she thought about the first moment they met. It took her a while, to actually think back, and search for his amazing features. She's afraid that she might forget them. She's afraid he'll disappear again, in her mind. She blamed herself for knowing him. If she'd hadn't went into that restaurant, if she hadn't met him at the bench, if she hadn't talk to him, none of this would happen, he wouldn't have, left, just like that.

She got off of her bed, and searched for an item, she felt that she needed to. She opened her drawers hurriedly and searched for this thing, that she believe that it would save her, from this pain, from this cruel world. Within minutes, she found what she wanted. A small razor blade. She ran one of her hand through her thick brunette hair, not sure about what she was going to do. She then sat on her floor, slowly leaving a small cut on her right arm. She felt pain, but at the same time relieved, she actually felt great. A thin line of blood escaped from the cut, and droplets of blood dripped onto her floor. She did it again, this time, leaving a cut on her right thigh. Again, she felt amazed, she felt great, she felt as if, she was released from this tight grip.
She then laughed hard, mesmerising the moments they've had together. Cut by cut, reminds her of their memories together. She then threw the blazer away and curled herself into a ball. She laid lifelessly on the floor, surrounded by Polaroids, stained with her own blood. One of the polaroids caught her eye, that was her favourite picture of them. She stretched her wounded right arm and clutched onto the picture. She laughed as she waited for time to pass by, waiting, for God to embrace her, and bring her to him.



Hmm. Hey theree people. So the reason I start up this blog is because I personally like to write. And by write, I am only capable of writing short stories. I've tried writing something long, but never really finished any of it. Wattpad is a bit challenging for me, cuz it makes me feel guilty, leaving viewers cliff-hanged. Haha, so yea. I'm currently waiting for college to start so I practically have nothing to do besides attending my part time job. So I've decided to post some short passages I wrote. I hope that you'll like it. It's know I have a lot of improvements to be done, please forgive me if there's any grammar errors or mistakes.
Thanks for reading!
