Sunday 12 January 2014


There he was, holding on to a bouquet of flowers, dressed in his best suit. He looked into his mirror and told himself, I'm going to do it today. Good luck. He gave himself a smile, a simple smile that can melts every girl's heart, a simple smile that can cure thousand of sickness.

There she was, sitting on the bench, where they've always meet. The sun was hanging high up on the sky today, birds flew around as light breeze blew into her long, brunette hair. She was wearing something that usually girls at her age wouldn't. T-shirts, jeans and her favourite converse. She didn't care what people though of her, she was just being her.

He choose to walk to the place. It gives him time to think, it gives him more space to stay calm. He still remembered the first time, his heart beat like wildfire when he first saw this girl, this special girl. So special, as if she was wearing a white gown, with a halo on her head. She was different, he knew. That's exactly what he liked about her, unique, yet simple.

She sat there, with her earphones on. Playing their favourite song. Beatles. Their favourite band. People at their age never really appreciated Beatles and their products. She smiled, as she hummed along with the chorus. She curled her long brunette bangs behind her right ear, to prevent it from blocking her sight.

There he was, about to reach right after a right turn down the street. His heart started to beat fast. He was more nervous, more nervous than he expected he would be. He held tight onto the bouquet of bright yellow tulips and took a deep breath. Calm down, he told himself. He didn't want his nervousness to fail this plan. A loud honk then caught his attention. He was too captivated in his thoughts before, but now, he stared at this old lady with horror. He threw the bouquet away and rushed towards the old lady.

She was humming along with their favourite song. She looked at her watch. 10am, straight. She bit her bottom lip with her heartbeat increasing. I love you, it isn't that hard to say. Just three simple, yet meaningful words. You can do it! She took a deep breath and tried her best to smile. Just then, their favourite verse of their song was interrupted by a cold and loud honk. She was surprised by the loud sound as she looked up, to the street.

He laid on the cold tar surface. Numbness filled his whole body as he tried his best to keep his eyes open. He looked around and stopped, when he saw, that beautiful girl, that had caught his eyes. He wanted to call out, he wanted to scream out loud, telling her how much she'd meant to him. But he couldn't, he somehow had lost his voice. He voice cannot be heard. He then found out that the bouquet was laying right on his right palm. All he wanted to do now, was to hold onto the bouquet. To show her, how amazingly important she is to him.

She stood up and gasped. She was so shocked, she couldn't make a move. She covered her mouth with both of her hands, mixed emotions filled her heart as her stomach twisted. She stood there and stare, for exactly 5 minutes. She didn't want to look, she didn't want to know. She didn't want to lose him. But love, had compiled her guts. She threw her iPod onto the ground as the neon coloured earpiece dropped onto the floor. She went down her knees right in front of this guy, that she'd loved so much. Tears blurred her vision as she called his name. She hit his chest, crying and calling for help.

He laid lifelessly, but smiled, when he saw her by his side. He gathered up all his energy and wiped her flowing tears with his right hand. He mouthed, I love you. A ton of weight has lifted away from his chest. He told her what he always wanted to say. No regrets, no regrets at all before he end his life.

She cried as she laid her head on his chest after he had said what he wanted. Blood had stained her white t-shirt, leaving her with millions of guilt, for not expressing what she wanted to for these pass few months.

The bouquet of bright yellow tulips and the iPod laid on the ground. One, had fallen petals and one had a crack on it's surface. Love, doesn't always have a happy ending, well do they?

There she was, hiding in her room. She had lost count on how many times she have cried. She still couldn't accept the fact, that he was gone. Polaroid pictures scattered on her bed and wooden tile floor, pictures of him, pictures of her, pictures of them. Her eyes was filled with thin linings of blood vessels. Picturing how long that she haven't slept as she sat on her bed, hugging her knees.

He was right there, sitting right beside her in the coffee shop. It was one of her most unlucky days, as she was late for work, because her car had broke down. She sighed, as she warmed herself up with a cup of hot chocolate, after getting drained in rain water, when she had to walk to her company. She gave up, after getting herself all wet under the rain. She called up her boss, and got herself a day off. He looked to his right, after feeling a light present of someone sitting beside him. He felt pity for her. Even her hair was still dripping water. He stood up, took off his coat and wrapped it around her. She looked up and smiled, she too thanked him. Amazed by her smile, he took his cup of cappuccino from his table and sat with her.

Her heart filled with pain, when she thought about the first moment they met. It took her a while, to actually think back, and search for his amazing features. She's afraid that she might forget them. She's afraid he'll disappear again, in her mind. She blamed herself for knowing him. If she'd hadn't went into that restaurant, if she hadn't met him at the bench, if she hadn't talk to him, none of this would happen, he wouldn't have, left, just like that.

She got off of her bed, and searched for an item, she felt that she needed to. She opened her drawers hurriedly and searched for this thing, that she believe that it would save her, from this pain, from this cruel world. Within minutes, she found what she wanted. A small razor blade. She ran one of her hand through her thick brunette hair, not sure about what she was going to do. She then sat on her floor, slowly leaving a small cut on her right arm. She felt pain, but at the same time relieved, she actually felt great. A thin line of blood escaped from the cut, and droplets of blood dripped onto her floor. She did it again, this time, leaving a cut on her right thigh. Again, she felt amazed, she felt great, she felt as if, she was released from this tight grip.
She then laughed hard, mesmerising the moments they've had together. Cut by cut, reminds her of their memories together. She then threw the blazer away and curled herself into a ball. She laid lifelessly on the floor, surrounded by Polaroids, stained with her own blood. One of the polaroids caught her eye, that was her favourite picture of them. She stretched her wounded right arm and clutched onto the picture. She laughed as she waited for time to pass by, waiting, for God to embrace her, and bring her to him.


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